The Wealthy Prisoner
I feel compelled to write about this because it is something that I myself struggle with and have struggled with most of my life. I am being very candid here and I know that there are many others that are very much the same as me.
I live in Canada, one of the wealthiest countries in the world. We have almost every natural resource known to man and are a blessed nation. We have great social programs, free health care and the freedom and potential to change humanity.
Like so many others, I am bound by debt. I have made mistakes in my passed, and thank God, He is helping me through them. I have spent money I didn’t have buying things that I didn’t need. I fell for the trap of credit because it is so easy. I was never well educated in the ways of money management and ended up learning the hard way; making many mistakes. I am not blaming anyone but myself.
I was a good Christian, a tither and giver. I always gave away 10% of my income and more, but giving was not my problem, spending was.
I was talking with someone the other day about a family I know. Their children are the same age as me and my siblings. We were raised much the same. They attended church, we attended church. They are no longer serving God, but my siblings and I continue to serve God and also continue to give financially. Besides their salvation in question, I am more disturbed that this other family is doing well financially while myself and so many Christians struggle to make ends meet. Each one of these kids from this other family makes a substantial living, some with their own business and some just working as employees.
Aren’t God’s people supposed to be prosperous? I am not blaming God at all, I just find a serious disconnect. Why is this family so prosperous, yet my family and many other Christians have fallen so deep into debt barely struggling to make ends meet?
At this point you may think that my eyes are focussed on money. Let me correct that thinking…
I am content. I have food, clothing a place to live and my family life is great. I enjoy my children and every moment that I can squeeze out of every day! My business is growing and I almost need to hire an employee.
My problem comes when I want to change the world.
Someone will say “You have to change it right where you are.” I know and I do. I still give and in fact, probably give more than 10% to good works. But I am still a wealthy prisoner.
How is it that I can live in such a prosperous nation yet have very little to give? I am not only talking about monetary things, but time as well. I am held prisoner by my debt! AND I fucking hate it!!!
(Now some will stop reading because I said a swear word)
Shucky darn.
I am being candid. I HATE DEBT! I want it gone. It is not money that controls me, but DEBT. I am held ransom by it. I need to work my ass off the make it happy. I have gotten myself into a pickle. I want it gone. I am forced to work long hours against my will.
I am a business owner. I could technically go and get a job working nine to five, but I would die on the inside. I am not that guy. I love owning a business and each month that goes by, I see increase. I know that God is for me and with His help, I will climb out of this hole of debt. I have so much to learn. When I become debt free, it will be of nothing that I did, because I am clueless. I am just here enjoying the ride. I am at peace. I know that I am being taken care of. I JUST HATE DEBT and I know there are many, many Christians out there like myself. Debt is evil because it bounds good people from changing the world, not only financially, but with time! My time is spoken for, because my debt is a taskmaster.
If you are like me, I urge you to beat this thing and stop the downward slide. Cut up the credit cards and live content. Don’t fall for the trap that culture and the media push. Start saving a little each month. We have a great helper!! I am fully confident that the Holy Spirit WILL teach you and I.
Do you hate debt as much as me? Have you conquered the thing? Maybe you are debt free and have some advice. Comment below, there is no judgement here.
Oh boy I hear you! Try this on for size: tithed faithfully knowing I really couldn’t afford it, but trusted gods word. The end result was that I didn’t have the money to pay my taxes (self employed). Having to now make substantial payments to the IRS because they must be paid before next year. There goes the tithe money. If I tithe now I will have to use credit to pay everything. That creates MORE debt. Talk about conflict and confusion. God says to pay our debt. God says to tithe. I want to honor His word. I dunno, I have no answers!
There are so many ways to give. Tithing is an Old Covenant principle. The Scriptures say to give to every good work. I don’t “tithe”, but I do give more than I ever have–time and money. I have found that when a need comes up and the Holy Spirit nudges me, I give. I have never been so blessed. I still hate debt. I am climbing out of a hole of my past mistakes. Without His help, the mountain of my debt would grow.
Debt is slavery. My intuition says we are here, on this garbage dump, in this form known as human because we pissed off our creator at some point. This place is a setup. Your screwed when u get put here. Sylvia Browne claims we choose to come here by signing up for it. Her as well as many other psychics claim we spend many lives here for our soul to learn lessons. Lmao. I don’t know n e one that would want to come back to this shithole after one life. Who needs several lives to learn that u r nothing more than a butt monkey? Unless the creator plays memory games w us n removes our memory from each previous life. Which would constitute abuse. The bible claims we are such pieces of shit that God sent his son to be abused n humiliated to pave the way for us to go to heaven. Which still constitutes abuse by the creator. Who, in side note, screws up the first model in all that he creates. The first angel fell. The first humans fell. At this point my inner bullshit alarm is on overdrive. None of these options r fun
Terry, He loves us so much that He sent Jesus. He didn’t put us here because we “pissed Him off”. He created this place for us. We are to take care of things. Bad things happen to good people, but that has nothing to do with God, but rather our adversary. We are most often the problem. Every debt problem I had was because I made a mistake. I will not blame anyone. BUT the great news is the Holy Spirit is teaching me and guiding me through recovering from my mistakes. Thank God for God!
contentment with Godliness is great gain!
we all need to simplify our lives. thanks
for sharing, Ryan 🙂