It was the most powerful time I can remember in Bible college. We started the morning with worship and prayer as any other normal day, but today was different. As we worshipped and focussed on God, the teacher began to speak prophetic words over each of the students. As he made his way, one...
Don’t Remain U...
posted by Ryan
Religion will always remain unchanged. Though a little lipstick, mascara, smoke and mirrors can fool people for a bit, it’s still the same old dead fleshy carcass. You can dress it up and and stand it on the street corner, but it will only bring temporal pleasure, and fail to...
Don’t Save the...
posted by Ryan
There are some Christians that believe in a “once saved, always saved” doctrine. This is when you say a prayer one time in your life and you are “saved” until Jesus returns. If this is true and the way that God intended life to be, He would have taken us to Heaven the moment that we said we...
What are you saved f...
posted by Ryan
I had to share this because it made so much sense to me and I think you will benefit from it as well. I was talking to someone the other day and they were telling me about a time that they recently went through when they almost lost everything; wife, family and home. They were serving...
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