If God’s thoughts are not our thoughts, and His ways are truly not our ways (Isa 55:8), then why do we somehow think He would respond and react the way we would? When a person does wrong, we immediately see punishment and retribution for the act rather than love and reconciliation. We see...
No Shoes, No Shirt, ...
posted by Ryan
I own a business and I want to choose who I serve! I chose to be my own boss, because I love making decisions and seeing the fruits of my labours. I work 14-16 hours per day on an average day and wouldn’t have it no other way. I love my job and love serving people. In the past few weeks...
The Day I Threw It A...
posted by Ryan
That’s it! I’m tired of all the ideas floating around. I don’t know what to believe anymore! Who’s right? Most Christian denominations think they have the corner on the god market. If I would believe like them, then I could guarantee my spot in heaven or better,...
Stop Rewarding Your Child for Good Behaviour
posted by Ryan
My son (3) came to me this morning and held out his hand with a few candies in it and a smile on his face from ear to ear. He exclaimed “Daddy, I got candy cause I was good.” Before I gave much thought to it, I immediately returned “You got candy because mom is good, not you.” Is rewarding for good behaviour a bad thing? We have all done it, myself included. But I believe there’s a better way. A reward is given when proper action is taken, but not necessarily expected. More importantly, a reward is dependant on the giver, not the receiver. If you receive a benefit for something good you have done, it is dependent on your efforts and...
A Deep Sleep Doesn...
posted by Ryan
Whenever my kids wake up in the morning, I ask them “How was your sleep?” I often get a generic “Good” and nothing more. Sometimes they have a crappy sleep. Maybe they are sick, had a bad dream or just didn’t sleep long enough and were woken up by a sibling. A bad sleep should never ruin your...
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