What if Fred Phelps is in Heaven?
I just heard about the passing of Fred Phelps, the leader of the Westboro Baptist Church, a church that promotes hate of gays, lesbians, etc. Being the curious person that I am, I wanted to know more about the cause of his death. In the top few search results there are articles about people cheering his death.
Now, though I don’t agree with Fred and the Westboro Baptist church, those who return evil for evil have unfortunately fallen ill with the same sickness. It is never right to speak hate. NEVER.
A quick visit and search on Twitter and the page fills with hate speech. When did everyone become so perfect on their own accord? When did Jesus rejoice in the death of the anyone? Love goes on. Love covers and keeps no record of wrong.
I may have some who disagree with me here, but what if Fred Phelps is in Heaven? What if the love of God was enough to save someone with so much hate? What if the love of God were enough to save the most wretched, evil person on earth? What if in a split second, Christ revealed His glory to Fred Phelps and Fred knew the error of His ways and believed?
There are so many questions, but I believe that when everyone is treated with love, things change. I have even heard mention of people picketing Fred Phelps funeral—a regular practice of the Westboro Baptist Church. Returning evil for evil promotes more evil.
It would be great to see people show up to the funeral with signs that say “We’re sorry people have been treating you so poorly.” or “We love you”, or just to be there to offer support for the family in the way of a smile, hug, or flower bouquet. Love is the only way to change those who operate in evil.
The blood of Christ was spilled for Mother Teresa as much as for Fred Phelps or Hitler. We like to think that Christ loves us more because we are better people, but our goodness could never cause Him to love us, or Fred or Hitler more, because He is love. His love does not diminish for us because of doing evil or improve for doing good.
Would you be OK if you found out that Fred Phelps was in Heaven?
If Phelps is in Heaven, it’s not by mistake. Jesus did NOT accidently forget to erase Phelps’ name from the Lambs Book of Life. Who are we to judge? Because he did horrible things here on earth does not mean he didn’t earnestly seek and receive salvation before his passing. I would write more but it’s hard to type on my phone.
God’s mercy is new every day. And yes if this man had time to repent and ask God to forgive him then yes, he made it to heaven. The word says that all who cry out on the name of the Lord shall be saved. And then there is John 3:16.
I come not to praise Fred Phelps but to bury him.
I guess he’s a public figure and I understand the sentiments and need to comment (and obviously I’m commenting too.) What if instead of contemplating revenge or the irony of the sad dynamics of a church built so much on hate, we simply note his passing? Let’s let him go quietly and stop giving attention to him and a dysfunctional local church of 100 made of people who are mostly related to one another. They have garnered more attention than their message is worth by being shocking and presenting God in way that looks nothing like Jesus.
I haven’t talked much before about you Fred. May God have mercy on you greater than the mercy you showed and lived toward others. If others cannot learn from your words may they learn from your negative example to what elevation of Scripture over Christ can lead and what religion without Love looks like.
Goodbye Fred.
Agreed Bart! It’s rare that I will pick up a story that the mass media pushes. I don’t normally because people like Fred, school shooters, terrorists and the like, don’t need any more press than they already get. The story will quickly fade into the backdrop. I hope that there are some who show love to the family and members of the Westboro Baptist Church, rather than hate. I have sent some messages to a few family members through Facebook to offer encouragement and love, because I know that they are probably getting enough hate mail right now. Thanks for your comment. 🙂