If God’s thoughts are not our thoughts, and His ways are truly not our ways (Isa 55:8), then why do we somehow think He would respond and react the way we would? When a person does wrong, we immediately see punishment and retribution for the act rather than love and reconciliation. We see...
God Revealed Himself...
posted by Ryan
Many revelations of Truth have come throughout the history of the Church, but our desire as men is to stop, pitch a tent and show everyone what happened. When God reveals a new truth, what do we do? I have been a believer for most of my life and through a few different “movements”...
The Day I Threw It A...
posted by Ryan
That’s it! I’m tired of all the ideas floating around. I don’t know what to believe anymore! Who’s right? Most Christian denominations think they have the corner on the god market. If I would believe like them, then I could guarantee my spot in heaven or better,...
How Do You Know Your Repentance Worked?
posted by Ryan
I used to “repent” and feel so bad when I messed up, asking God to forgive me. I used to think that He would end up coming back the moment that I just sinned and without enough time to repent and ask for forgiveness, I would go to hell. I had very little knowledge of the scripture. When I came to understand repentance, things changed. I used to feel bad, beat myself up, cry, use emotion and promise that I would never do it again lest I fall into “false repentance”. All these ideas I believed were far from the Truth. My ideas were mostly derived from Old Covenant history, rather than New Covenant reality. The word...
Jesus Didn’t F...
posted by Ryan
I used to believe that Jesus was this upright, disciplined, motivated individual who had all His ducks lined up. I used to believe that He was so focused and determined and that is why He lived a sin-free life… that was until He revealed a glimpse of His love to me. Jesus was human. He...
The Bible Can Stop Y...
posted by Ryan
In the past, I used the scriptures to determine whether I was hearing from Christ or not, but that only bound me to what God spoke to others in history. I have found this to be backwards. The scriptures are great, BUT without the Holy Spirit, they are a burden, and though they point to life,...
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