I used to “repent” and feel so bad when I messed up, asking God to forgive me. I used to think that He would end up coming back the moment that I just sinned and without enough time to repent and ask for forgiveness, I would go to hell. I had very little knowledge of the scripture. When I came to understand repentance, things changed. I used to feel bad, beat myself up, cry, use emotion and promise that I would never do it again lest I fall into “false repentance”. All these ideas I believed were far from the Truth. My ideas were mostly derived from Old Covenant history, rather than New Covenant reality. The word...
Does God Want Holine...
posted by Ryan
It was the most powerful time I can remember in Bible college. We started the morning with worship and prayer as any other normal day, but today was different. As we worshipped and focussed on God, the teacher began to speak prophetic words over each of the students. As he made his way, one...
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